




【精英氏族(The Elite Clan)】



The Elite Clan was a group of legendary Elite Yautja who were just below the ruling Ancients in the Yautja hierarchy. The clan was led by Spartan. The Elite Clan often took in young unblooded Predators who wished to prove themselves worthy of membership and of carrying the title Elite. They had to prove themselves in combat against the Xenomorphs before they would be allowed to join the clan.





The Elite Clan first appears in Aliens vs. Predator. In the tutorial of the Predator campaign the Young Blood later known as "Dark" is being trialed by the trial overseers. The leader of the clan, who is known as Spartan, tells Dark to prepare himself for the trial and then releases a pack of Xenomorphs. Once Dark proves himself worthy to be part of the clan, the Yautja then leave the planet to answer a distress call from a pack of Young Bloods who were hunting on a planet called, BG-386.





After the Xenomorph infestation grew on BG-386, three Elites were sent to search for the Young Blood Pack. Later it is discovered that the Young Bloods were killed. Two by humans, the other three by Xenomorphs. At the end of the war, Dark is the only Yautja Elite to leave the planet alive.






Two of the clan's members are based on Predators seen in the Alien vs. Predator film series — Hunter is based on Celtic from Alien vs. Predator, while Wolf is based on the Predator of the same name from Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem.

Similarly, Dark's initial appearance, before he finds his ancestor's bio-helmet, is based on the original Predator from Predator.

The Elite Clan seems to provide their Young Bloods with a greater challenge than other clans by stripping their Bio-helmets of the Alien vision mode.

The members of the Elite Clan all carry dual Wristblades, that is having a pair mounted on both of their forearms.





Dark was an Elite Yautja from the Elite Clan. He was dispatched by his clan Elders along with Wolf and one other Predator to BG-386, to investigate a distress call sent by the Young Blood Pack. He subsequently became involved in a large-scale Xenomorph outbreak on the planet and also came into conflict with the United States Colonial Marine Corps.

Dark stalked and killed numerous Xenomorphs and Colonial Marines during his time on BG-386, and was one of few Predators to have successfully defeated a Praetorian in close combat. However, Dark is probably most well known for his relentless hunt of the BG-386 Predalien, which he ultimately killed in the bowels of the Yautja Pyramid on the planet. Dark was the only Predator on BG-386 to escape the planet alive.





Dark's story began on an unknown planet (possibly the Yautja home world) where he undertook the trials required to become an Elite in the presence of his clan leader Spartan and Elites Wolf and Hunter. He quickly mastered melee combat, and then proceeded to learn how to use the iconic Plasmacaster weapon. With the trials completed, he was promoted to the rank of Elite and dispatched along with two others to BG-386, to investigate a distress call sent by five Young Blood Yautja who were taking part in their first hunt there. Upon arrival, the three Elites discovered a huge Xenomorph outbreak was taking place on the planet and found themselves in the middle of the battle between the Aliens and the United States Colonial Marine Corps, which had been deployed to combat the threat. After destroying the Marines' ship, the USS Marlow, the Elites landed on the planet and Dark quickly discovered the bodies of two of the Young Bloods in the jungle. He set their wrist gauntlets to self-destruct to vaporize their remains, ensuring their technology did not fall into the hands of the humans.


Dark接下来追踪异形女王号到了人类殖民地芙蕾雅的展望(Freya‘s Prospect,致敬《异形2》的舞台:哈德利的希望)的炼油厂。到达炼油厂后,他短暂地发现了一只铁血异形,但这只生物逃跑了,Dark跟着进入了炼油厂、穿过蜂巢,却发现了已经死去的女王烧焦的遗体,女王之前是被一名海军陆战队士兵单独杀害的(人类战役的主角)。斯巴达,那个将黑暗派往BG-386的精英长老 联系了他,并通知他必须猎杀铁血异形,将之视为一种“憎恶”。Dark逃离了燃烧的炼油厂,也发现一名精英的尸体(其实应该是新血之一,在那之前也同样在铁血尸体上取得了地雷)。Dark拿走了他的智能飞盘,然后让他已故兄弟的手腕手套充电过量并爆炸。

Hunting the Queen

Dark next tracked the Xenomorph Queen to the refinery at the human colony of Freya's Prospect. Upon reaching the refinery, he briefly spotted a Predalien, but the creature fled and Dark instead proceeded inside after the Queen. He fought through the Hive, only to find the scorched remains of the already-dead Queen, previously killed by a lone Marine. Spartan, the Elite who had sent Dark to BG-386, contacted him and informed him that he must hunt and kill the Predalien, which was an "Abomination". Dark escaped the burning refinery, but not before he discovered the body of one of the Elites who arrived with him. Dark took his Smart Disc, before setting his deceased brother's wrist gauntlet to overcharge and explode.


Faced with fighting the Predalien alone, Dark moved into the ancient ruins of a Yautja temple, which had once served as hunting grounds for his kind, to recover more advanced weaponry to aid him in his quest. He eventually discovered an ancestral bio-helmet, which once belonged to a legendary Yautja. Dark put on the royal helmet, and it revealed to him a holographic record of the very first "Serpent" victory made by the Yautja. Dark learned that within the temple lay the ancient Yautja's wrist gauntlet. Taking the helmet in place of his own, he proceeded to search for the gauntlet, only to find that it had been stolen by Weyland-Yutani and taken to their research facility on the planet. Dark's mission was now to purge all humans from the planet by retrieving the gauntlet and using it to destroy the colony entirely. After slaughtering Marines at a dropship crash site, he became trapped in an ancient Yautja combat arena, where he was forced to fight and kill a Praetorian and its Drone minions single-handed. He succeeded, acquiring an ancestral Combistick for his troubles.


Dark ventured further through the tombs and found himself outside the Weyland-Yutani facility, which was built over the top of a Yautja Pyramid. After infiltrating the base, Dark found the gauntlet in one of the labs. He then escaped through an elevator that led underground to the Pyramid's interior, where the finale of the prophecy awaited him.



Fighting the Abomination

Finally, Dark arrived at the ancient tomb of his ancestor and witnessed the holographic record of the first successful capture of a serpent Queen, but was nearly caught off guard by a horde of Xenomorphs. After the battle, Dark discovered that not only was the legendary hunter his ancestor, but that he had been buried within the Pyramid next to the first serpent Queen too. Dark honorably placed the ancient wrist gauntlet on the coffin and set it to self-destruct.

“憎恶”突然出现,将黑暗打倒在地。两人坠入一个位于熔岩湖中的古老竞技场,在那里他们开始了一场殊死搏斗。Dark获胜了,他把憎恶的尸体拖到金字塔上方研究设施的屋顶上,并在那里将尸体扔在丢下 作为自己的荣耀。随着任务的完成和设施的爆炸,Dark也乘坐飞船逃离了这个星球。当他登上飞船时,其他铁血们都在他面前跪拜,对他所取得的成就感到敬畏。

The "Abomination" suddenly appeared and tackled Dark to the ground. The two fell into an ancient battle arena set amidst a lake of molten lava, where they began a fight to the death. Dark emerged victorious, and he dragged the Abomination's carcass to the very roof of the research facility above the Pyramid where he hurled it to the ground in a display of his superiority. With his mission complete and the facility set to explode, Dark escaped the planet aboard his ship. As he walked through the halls, the other Yautja bowed in his presence, in awe of the feats he had achieved.

Dark命令飞船的导航系统为一颗行星绘制路线,这颗行星将是他们迄今为止最伟大的狩猎地点:异形母星(Xenomorph Prime)

Dark commanded the ship's navigational systems to plot a course for a planet that would be the site of their greatest Hunt yet: Xenomorph Prime.













Dark is the playable Predator character in the 2010 video game Aliens vs. Predator.

Dark is the only protagonist and one of the 3 protagonists in Aliens vs. Predator never to visit the Freya's Prospect colony complex and other two being like Rookie and Specimen Six.

Dark's name is taken from the multiplayer skin based on him in Aliens vs. Predator, as he is never named in the game's singleplayer Predator campaign.

Dark's design and the bio-helmet he wears for the first part of the game are based on the Jungle Hunter from Predator.

Dark is the second Yautja seen to carry dual Wristblades (. Wristblades on both wrists) instead of the typical single set. The first was the Brawler Predator, seen in Aliens versus Predator: Extinction.

Traditionally, Yautja hunters take their victims' heads as trophies, but in the ending of Aliens vs. Predator's Predator campaign, Dark merely throws the dead Abomination from the top of the research facility without decapitating it first. This was most likely done to echo the legendary manner in which Lord disposed of the first ever Xenomorph to be killed on a hunt. It may also be because the Yautja view Predaliens as unholy and an insult to the Yautja race, and thus unworthy of even being triumphantly displayed as a trophy.

Dark's in-game skin is reused for the Young Blood Predator fought by Rookie in the Marine campaign; this seems odd, as every other member of the Young Blood Pack encountered in the game uses Claw's skin.

Dark actually has 2 skins in the game. The first is the Dark skin received at Rank 1 in multiplayer, which is similar to the character's singleplayer appearance except with the full armor seen on the Predators in the first Alien vs. Predator movie. The second is the Lord skin, which is the last Predator skin unlocked. This is the same as the singleplayer Dark after he recovers the ancestral helmet.

Dark's skin in multiplayer could also be suffering from the Predator armor glitch except in reverse. While Dark's skin uses the full Alien vs. Predator gear, when the glitch is active, it is the same as the armor-less skin in campaign.

Dark's campaign armor, before he acquired Lord's helmet, was the same armor that was used in the demo.

Dark and Prince are the only known predators to have survived a fight to the death with a Predalien, with Prince successfully slaying two.





Spartan was a Yautja Elder and the Clan Leader and eldest member of the Elite Clan.[1] Spartan often oversaw the training of Young Blood Predators within his clan, and it was he who dispatched Dark, Wolf and one other Elite Predator to BG-386 to investigate the disappearance of the Young Blood Pack there.



在2200年代,斯巴达和他的精英氏族兄弟们在一个未知的星球、可能是铁血战士母星(Yautja Prime)上,测试一个选择接受精英阶级试炼的年轻血脉(玩家操控的Dark)。在试炼现场,年轻的血脉跳进下面的竞技场,几秒钟后,三名铁血战士试炼监督员解开了自己的隐身斗篷。斯巴达告诉年轻的血脉为试炼做好准备,并首先通过寻找他的先辈们(游戏中译为三英祖)在场来观察周围的环境。年轻血脉先看了Wolf一眼,然后转向Hunter,最后看向了斯巴达。斯巴达随后披上斗篷,在年轻的血脉之上释放了一小群异形。我们最终击败可“蛇”,受到斯巴达的祝贺。斯巴达随后交给了我们一个等离子肩炮(Plasmacaster),这是铁血武器库中最强大的武器之一。在我们掌握了肩炮用法之后,斯巴达人向我们释放了另一大群异形,而我们成功地排除了所有异形攻击者,并获得了专属战利品(处决动作)。斯巴达告诉年轻的血脉,这是我们作为精英阶级的第一份战利品,随后便欢迎我们他加入氏族,同时向在场的所有氏族成员宣布了这一消息。又有两名精英解开隐身,通知斯巴达,一群在BG-386上狩猎的年轻血脉发出了求救信号,斯巴达人命令精英们前往他们的船上(去展开救援)。

Teaching The Next Generation

During the 2200s, Spartan and a clan of his Elite brothers were on an unknown planet, possibly Yautja Prime, to test a Young Blood who has chosen to face trials for the rank of Elite. At the trial site, the Young Blood leaps into an arena below. Seconds after, the three Yautja Trial Overseers uncloak themselves. Spartan tells the Young Blood to prepare himself for the trial and to first observe his surroundings by acknowledging the presence of his elders. The Young Blood first glances at Wolf and then turns to Hunter, before finally acknowledging Spartan himself. Spartan then cloaks himself and releases a pack of Xenomorphs on the Young Blood. The Young Blood capably defeats the "serpents" and is congratulated by Spartan. Spartan then gives the Young Blood a Plasmacaster, one of the most powerful weapons in the Yautja's arsenal. After the Young Blood masters the Plasmacaster, Spartan releases another horde of Xenomorphs on him, The Young Blood succeeds in dispatching all Xenomorph attackers and makes a trophy of the last one. Spartan informs the Young Blood that this is his first trophy of many to come as his time as an Elite. Spartan then welcomes him to the clan, and announces such to all clan members present. Two more Elites uncloak and inform Spartan that a group of Young Bloods that were hunting on BG-386 have sent a distress call and Spartan orders the Elites to head to their ship.

当铁血母船抵达星球大气层时,它摧毁了USS Marlow号,三个空投吊舱从飞船上发射到遇险信号的发源区域。新命名的精英,现在被称为“黑暗(Dark)”,开始探寻新血小队的命运,并确保铁血技术不会落入BG-386的人类殖民者手中。

When the Yautja ship arrives at the planet's atmosphere, it destroys the USS Marlow, and three drop pods launch from the ship to the area where the distress signal was transmitted from. The newly-christened Elite, now known as "Dark", begins a search to discover the fate of the Young Blood pack, and ensure Yautja technology does not fall into the hands of the human colonists of BG-386.






Spartan is a multiplayer skin in the game, unlocked when players reach Rank 31.

When Dark approaches the entrance to the Yautja Pyramid on BG-386, Spartan states, "This is history here, right in the very stone. He is here, I am sure of it." This shows that Spartan is aware of the Ancient Predator entombed within, and knows the history of the planet.

During the battle between Dark and the Predalien in the Pyramid, Spartan repeatedly refers to the creature as an "Abomination". While all Yautja consider Predaliens to be such, Spartan continuously refers to it in a particularly hateful manner, going so far as to call it an "affront to Yautja ancestry".

As with the other Predators in the game, Spartan's name is taken from his multiplayer skin, as he is not named in singleplayer.






Wolf was an Elite Yautja from the Elite Clan. He was dispatched by his clan elders along with Dark and one other to BG-386, to investigate a distress call sent by the Young Blood Pack.

Wolf was the host used by Specimen 6 to create the Abomination, which would later be slain by Wolf's hunt brother, Dark.



Wolf was one of the Elites that often oversaw the initiation rituals undertaken by Young Bloods wishing to join the Elite Clan. He was present, along with clan leader Spartan and fellow Elite Hunter, during Dark's initiation, when the Young Blood defeated and killed several Xenomorph Drones in a ceremonial temple and thereby earned the rank of Elite and a rightful place with the clan.


Later, Wolf, the newly promoted Dark and one other Elite were sent to BG-386 to investigate a distress call sent by a group of Young Bloods who landed there to take part in their first hunt. Upon arriving at the planet, the Elites destroyed the USCM ship in orbit around the planet, the USS Marlow, and then split up as they went down to the surface. Wolf almost immediately tracked down two of the Young Bloods, who were battling a swarm of Xenomorphs in an ancient Yautja combat arena. Wolf arrived too late to save the inexperienced Predators, but immediately leapt into battle, determined to avenge his fallen brethren. The majority of the Xenomorphs fled; all but one particular individual, Specimen 6. The two creatures engaged in a ferocious duel, Wolf showing great mastery in Wristblade melee combat and the use of the his Plasmacaster.


Wolf used his strength and intelligence to outwit and eventually overpower Specimen 6, but made a grave mistake when he taunted the apparently defeated creature instead of finishing it quickly. The Drone rallied its strength and impaled Wolf with its tail, crippling him. As he lay wounded and unable to defend himself, the Specimen 6 removed his mask and allowed a Facehugger to attach itself to him. The embryo successfully planted inside him would later hatch and mature into the Abomination, which would ultimately have to be destroyed by Wolf's less experienced hunt brother Dark







Wolf在异形战役中的健康栏很难看清,因为它是绿色的,这会让玩家很难判断何时试图抓住(处决)它,且根据难度的不同,它可以直接杀死6号。(在战役最后一关的新血铁血战士会倾向于逃跑拉开距离 然后用肩炮射击玩家,可是Wolf就展露出很强的战斗欲望,并且在近战中非常强势,如果不使用重攻击bug的话很难压制高难度的Wolf)

Wolf constitutes one of the seven "boss" characters in the game (designated by an on-screen bar showing their health during the player's battle with them). The others are the Matriarch, an unnamed Predator, two Praetorians, Karl Bishop Weyland and the Abomination.

Wolf shares his name and appearance with the lead Predator in the film Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem. However, as both Predators die in their respective media, they cannot be the same character, and the video game incarnation is likely an homage to the movie.

Wolf is a multiplayer skin in the game, unlocked when players reach Rank 25.

As with the other Predators in the game, Wolf's name is taken from his multiplayer skin. In the Alien campaign, where he is fought, he is referred to simply as "The Elite".

Wolf has a scar on his face, which is only seen when Specimen 6 has removed his mask at the end of the level Ruins, in the Alien Campaign.

Wolf's health bar in the Alien Campaign can be hard to see given how green it is, which can make it difficult for the player to judge when to try to grab him, which depending on the difficulty, will kill Six outright.




Hunter was an Elite Yautja from the Elite Clan. He often acted as an overseer during the initiation trials taken by Young Bloods who wished to join the Elite Clan. He was present with Spartan and Wolf when the Young Blood known as Dark was tested for the rank of Elite.




Hunter's appearance is based on Celtic from the film Alien vs. Predator.

Hunter is a multiplayer skin in the game, unlocked when players reach Rank 16.

【其他个体(Serpent Hunter、Stalker)】

【蛇猎(Serpent Hunter)/异形头猎人(Alien Head Predator)】



The Alien Head Predator, also known as the Serpent Hunter, was an Elite[2] Yautja from the Elite Clan. He is the most successful Xenomorph hunter of all time.[3]





Very little is known about the Serpent Hunter, his mysterious past only exemplified by his tendency to never remove his mask around other Yautja, Some speculate him to be over a thousand years old.[4] What is known, however, is that his peers consider him to be the most successful Xenomorph hunter of all time, is a skilled tracker and master of weapons, and is in prime physical condition.[5] To better hunt his prey, he has been known to mimic their movements.[6]

He was present on BG-386 alongside the Elite Clan, but it is unknown if he took part in any fight. He is only seen bowing to Dark as he boards the Mother Ship, after he slayed the Abomination, to leave the planet heading to Xenomorph Prime.




The Alien Head Predator is only seen in the cutscene at the end of the Predator campaign, bowing to Dark as he boards the Mother Ship but is otherwise never featured in the game's singleplayer mode.

The Alien Predator is a multiplayer skin, available only to players who pre-ordered the game.



Stalker的生物面具是独一无二的,它没有覆盖他的整个脸,露出了他的大部分前额和脸颊。透过他的头盔上的目镜,也可以看清他的两只眼睛。Stalker的后背最左处 在左肩位置布置了自己的肩炮,而医疗包放置在了背部中间的位置(其他铁血一般会把医疗包放在肩炮旁边,也就是偏左的位置)。和大多数精英铁血一样,Stalker装备的是双腕刀。

Stalker's bio-helmet was unique in that it did not cover his full face and exposed most of his forehead area and cheeks. His helmet also had one visor for both of his eyes to look through. Mounted on the far left of his back, Stalker had a Plasmacaster which went over his left shoulder. On the middle left side of his back Stalker carried a Medicomp. As with most Elite Yautja, Stalker carried dual Wristblades on both of his gauntlets.



Stalker does not appear in the game's singleplayer campaign, appearing only as a multiplayer skin, unlocked when players reach Rank 7.


因为《AVP2010》是我的入坑作品,所以我对铁血的印象其实停留在“装备很多”、“身体素质强无敌”上,实际上不同于电影的瞎搞(不管是P侧还是A侧都非常乱来,先不说老雷的前传三部曲能不能拍完,P现在半死不活的 直到《Prey》才略有回光返照的势头),不论是《AVP》还是《AVP2》、《AVP2010》 这些游戏都很好尊重了电影原作,铁血还原了初代电影那种鬼魅、强大的印象 而异形侧和人类侧更是直接使用《异形2》的设计,暴爽的同时可以感受到满满诚意。

精英氏族在设计上其实融合了《AVP1》和《AVPR》两部电影的元素,所以我们可以发现Dark的上半身、肩炮和双腿使用了失落部落(AVP1的氏族)的重甲设计,而围裙使用了独狼的设计,作为我非常钟爱的铁血战士氏族 我觉得这种融合是非常到位的。并且在剧情表现上不仅致敬了《AVP1》电影的神殿、先祖、成人礼之类的元素,还开创性地让玩家扮演一个强的批爆的精英阶级 确实是非常少见的(当然前两作更狠,《原始猎杀》直接扮演远古铁血),游戏的历代铁血也是存活率最高的。




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